Monday, December 3, 2012

Elder Browning's Thanksgiving post

I love Thanksgiving.  It was a blast.  People are always getting together and spending time with family and laughing but as a missionary we are so far from home and don't have that opportunity to be with those we love. This thanksgiving though I have been more grateful for my family than any other Thanksgiving before. It's weird how your love grows for those you can't be with. Nevertheless, this great Thanksgiving was the most amazing one I have ever had. We had the wonderful opportunity to go and give Thanksgiving dinners to the poor with one of our investigators and his church. It was so nice to see all these people's faces as they got a whole Thanksgiving meal for them and there families. I think what made it so great was because it wasn't one bit about me and those I love but because I got to go and help and love those who I don't know. Its easy to give to those you love but as a people we will grow so much stronger by giving to those you don't know. I noticed as we were doing this that we began to love and grow quickly with those we were serving and those we were serving with. There isn't a better way of loving than serving your fellow man.
Our savior was the perfect example of this. He would serve not just those who loved him but also those who persecuted him and spat upon him. When our savior was in pain or suffering he  served his fellow man. He went through more pain than every single one of us and served better than any of us actually comprehend. As we are entering this Christmas season we will have the opportunity to serve others.  We can all do it. Even if it is in small ways. By small and simple means, great things do and will come to pass. So, I challenge everyone to follow in the Savior's footsteps and serve others this holiday season. 
Feel free to post experiences.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Part of an email November 19, 2012

So we received a text from the mission office about a referral named Ray. Media referrals such as this almost always go nowhere. But not in this case. We went to visit him at his apartment and we got there right as he was pulling up. He said he was busy so we set up an appointment for the next day at the church. The next night at the church we met with him and talked about how he came in contact with the church. Apparently, he had looked at this church and many others and ended up becoming Buddhist but this didn't suffice him. Later he felt a draw to Christianity and became a member of a baptist church here in town. It felt a lot better to him and so he was baptized. He was going there for a while and felt a very specific draw towards The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He continued going to church where he was but found and a way to contact the missionaries in his area.  When we found out that he had referred himself to us we were so happy- because that's so rare that someone seeks us out.  He continued by explaining that he went and bought a Book of Mormon the next day and started to read it. That was when we came and found him.

So we went ahead and taught Ray the restoration of Christ's church upon the earth. He loved it. Near the end of the lesson I explained to him about being baptized by someone holding the holy Melchizedek priesthood and then followed by asking him if he would be baptized. He immediately agreed to do so. He now has a scheduled date to be baptized and is excited to continue to learn and understand the gospel. Now Ray has been to church twice, is continuously reading the Book of Mormon, and even attended a baptism with us this last Saturday. He said it was an amazing spiritual experience, and now I'm sure that he is sure without a doubt, that this is what he wants. He has gone through more church material in his two weeks of investigating than I think I have in my whole life so far.
 This has really built my testimony to know that the Lord watches us and knows exactly when we are ready in life to receive His gospel. Ray had looked at the church before and seen that it was good but to him so where a lot of other churches. His testimony will be so much stronger now that he has been through what he has and he will be a much stronger member of the church who I know will help others come to the gospel someday.

Kalten's Letters November 10, 2012

Dear Dad,

Thank you so much for continuously writing me.  I enjoy your letters a ot.  I'm really enjoying myself out here in Centerville.  I think I'm getting sick of pizza though, haha.  I've been keeping my shoes in great condition and using the wood things.  I need to get some sandpaper or something to make them smell good again.  I'm dying without music out here.  I hope I'm being a good missionary and I hope that you guys are feeling blessed.  Did you get that TV yet?  No?  Not feeling that blessed yet?  Alright, I'll go baptize a few more people and do more work.

I've been thinking lately of becoming a college professor or going into business as a career.  What do you think?

Love ya,

PS.  Can't sleep.  Clowns will eat me....Can't sleep.  Clowns will eat me....Can't sleep.  Clowns will eat me....


I just thought you should know that I miss you and love you and I'm keeping a tally of how many letters you write me and comparing it to other missionaries.  Just kidding.

I saw a picture of you on the camera and just wanted you to know that you look pretty.  Just saying.

-Love Kalten

PS.  I picked some flowers for you. (Drawing of flowers)

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November 6, 2012 email from Elder Browning

Sorry I couldn't write you yesterday. We didn't end up getting to make it to the library because we were doing a service project for Aaron Halliday and his family (Aaron is engaged to Jenny who will be baptized on the 17th.  The family is moving and so we helped pack a lot of stuff).  I'm excited for the baptism.
Its so hard to communicate once a week isn't it?  You forget what each other knows and what they have said. I didn't find out for sure if grandma had died yet until yesterday when I received the package.  I hope the funeral went well.  I sent both sets of grandparents letters so I hope they arrive. YOU NEED TO TELL ME IF MY LETTERS ARE ARRIVING AT SISTER SHURTLIFF'S. I HAVEN'T RECEIVED ANY INDICATION FROM YOU OR HER THAT SHE IS GETTING THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I love you.
I really enjoyed the package. I loved the tie that came this week also. I was hoping for a video of the star wars cabinets looking there very coolest but that was ok.  Next time I send the chips let dad do it. He will make it look good and show off all the coolest parts of the collection. I like dads letters a lot.  They are very simple yet they talk about stuff no one else talked about. Thank you for all your letters.  I feel like I'm getting busier and busier.  Thank Ryan for the little dress up....things...and ask him why he had them in the first place?  I talked to Trevin on email today.  That was nice.

Thanks for the tip on cleaning the black stuff on the borders of the tub.  I did that today and now I smell like bleach but they cleaned it up a lot.  Not perfect but still a lot.

I made hootenanies today. MMMMMMMMMM.

The only thing I was really hoping for that I didn't get in the package is some music to listen to. We don't have a Deseret Book Store so I have no way of buying church music.  The mission rules for music is that it must have the church logo.

I check what the weather is like over there on our cell phone all the time and its about 15 degrees colder here.  Except today is pretty nice.  It's about 42 degrees out.

I miss the mountains  :D  I liked the kitchen floor. It looked good.  My room looked nice with all dads Star Wars stuff in it.
I hurt my finger by the way and the nail is growing and making a booboo on the side.  :(
anyway. That's all I can think of to say but I love you and expect a letter from me soon.