Monday, December 3, 2012

Elder Browning's Thanksgiving post

I love Thanksgiving.  It was a blast.  People are always getting together and spending time with family and laughing but as a missionary we are so far from home and don't have that opportunity to be with those we love. This thanksgiving though I have been more grateful for my family than any other Thanksgiving before. It's weird how your love grows for those you can't be with. Nevertheless, this great Thanksgiving was the most amazing one I have ever had. We had the wonderful opportunity to go and give Thanksgiving dinners to the poor with one of our investigators and his church. It was so nice to see all these people's faces as they got a whole Thanksgiving meal for them and there families. I think what made it so great was because it wasn't one bit about me and those I love but because I got to go and help and love those who I don't know. Its easy to give to those you love but as a people we will grow so much stronger by giving to those you don't know. I noticed as we were doing this that we began to love and grow quickly with those we were serving and those we were serving with. There isn't a better way of loving than serving your fellow man.
Our savior was the perfect example of this. He would serve not just those who loved him but also those who persecuted him and spat upon him. When our savior was in pain or suffering he  served his fellow man. He went through more pain than every single one of us and served better than any of us actually comprehend. As we are entering this Christmas season we will have the opportunity to serve others.  We can all do it. Even if it is in small ways. By small and simple means, great things do and will come to pass. So, I challenge everyone to follow in the Savior's footsteps and serve others this holiday season. 
Feel free to post experiences.